These days, most of the health issues are due to excess of mental work than physical work. All our physical activities are now shared with the electronic equipments like washing machines, micro ovens, vaccuum cleaners, computers, vehicles, and not to forget, housemaids or house helps.
Due to nuclear families, busy neighboursm and busy couples in their own work world, we hardly interact with people much, not to forget the task targets in IT companies, and work pressure at offices our mental sharing has reduced immensely. There are hardly any get togethers to sublimate any social interaction where one can relax their tensed minds and thus their exhausted bodies.
We need physical activities help us to break down the energy and use for the overall development of our body including our muscles, bones, blood, etc. When there is not enough physical activity the body energy is not utilized properly utillised, and with constant mental stresses there is an immense and constant pressure or stress on the brain. This in turn affects major centres of our brain that is pituitary, pineal, hippocampus, etc leading to major harmonal imbalances, metabolism imbalances, disturbed blood and air circulations. These are opening invitations to major disease conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, obesity, irregular periods, PCOS, infertility, thyroid disorders, and many more.
One easiest way to come out of this vicious circle is to do any of household actvity by yourself, be it sweeping, mopping, washing utensils, making chappatis, grinding, etc. These household chores not only burn your calories, but also give some time to be with your family members. If these are not possible, then make it a point to start your regime of walking, jogging, suryanamaskara, etc. The important trick here is to get yoruself involved in some Deep Breathing Techniques for just five minutes for 4 to 5 times a day atleast.
Deep Breathing Techniques like Anuloma Viloma, Pranic breathing, simple abdominal breathing, sectional breathing, and brahmari technique. You can choose any of these or all of them, depending on which one you are comfortable with. These breathing techniques are sure to bring a drastic change in your lifestyle as they:
- control your emotions (including anger, loneliness, and depression)
- improve concentration
- control the gush of thoughts in your mind, thus making you feel more at control of your response to your stress
- help you to make better decisions
- keep you calm and happy always.
One simple thing that is so important too - Never forget to share a Smile With Your Loved Ones.